How to Clear up Any Confusion When It Comes to the Repair of Your Damaged Car

You may consider yourself to be a model driver and have been behind the wheel for many years without incident. However, one day the law of averages will catch up with you and you will encounter a careless driver at just the wrong time. Through no fault of your own, you now find that you have a considerable amount of damage to your vehicle and this represents new territory for you. You will want to get your vehicle repaired as soon as possible, but may not be sure how to proceed, as you may have been influenced by some of the more common myths linked to the panel repair process. What do you need to clear up in your mind, before you proceed?

Debunking the Myths

Firstly, you want to make sure that this entire episode costs you as little as possible, especially bearing in mind the time that you will be without your normal "ride" and other factors. You need to make the right decisions and not be confused by any spurious information.

Specified Repair Shop Only

For example, you may think that the insurance company is going to insist that you take the vehicle to a specified repair shop. Of course, the adjusters are trying to save the insurance company as much money as they can in this process and may indeed have a special deal with a certain organisation. However, if a friend has recommended a different company and you're happy with their standard of work, then there's no reason why you shouldn't go there.

Many Estimates

Some people believe that insurance companies automatically require you to get several estimates before they will sign off on the repair bill. However, this is typically not the case and you don't want to spend even more of your valuable time trying to get the damaged vehicle to different body repair shops. This is just additional stress when you don't need it.

It Must Be a "Write-Off"

One of the biggest myths in this industry relates to the frame of the vehicle. Some weekend "expert" may tell you that if you have any damage there, the car cannot be fixed. They'll tell you that it must be a "write-off" as far as the insurance company is concerned, but in modern days this is just not true. Panel beaters have access to very sophisticated jigging equipment that can often repair any damage to the frame, so you need to get the real experts to tell you the right story.

Access to Original Equipment

You don't need to take your car to the dealership outlet, either. Again, some people believe that only dealerships have access to original equipment, but this is not the case. You will be able to get the right parts fitted to your car during the repair process and may find that this is a more cost-effective option than going to the dealer instead.

Seeking Clarity

Don't let confusion reign and put all of these myths to bed as soon as possible, by calling your auto body repair shop.
